Patch Media: Your Hyperlocal Two Buck Classified Leads, Connections & Communities
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Patch Media is a national media company with a focus on delivering hyperlocal news and information to communities across the country.
Explore Our Communities
A Lifelong Passion for Media


16 Years Old
Started in radio at WAAM in Ypsilanti, Michigan.


Diverse Experience
Worked in various media roles over the years, developing a deep understanding of the industry.


Embracing the Future
Excited to see how AI is transforming the media landscape.
The Evolving Media Landscape in the Age of AI
AI-Powered Storytelling
AI is revolutionizing how media is produced and consumed, enabling more efficient and personalized content creation.
Data-Driven Insights
AI-driven analytics are providing deeper understanding of audience preferences and behaviors, allowing media companies to better serve their communities.
Automation and Efficiency
AI is automating repetitive tasks, freeing up media professionals to focus on higher-level storytelling and strategy.
Patch Media's Hyperlocal Approach


Patch Media is dedicated to serving the unique needs and interests of individual communities, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.


Hyperlocal Content
Our reporters are embedded in the communities they serve, providing in-depth coverage of local news, events, and issues.


Connecting Neighbors
Patch Media helps build connections and foster a sense of community among residents, contributing to the overall well-being of the area.
Patch Media's National Footprint
Nationwide Presence
Patch Media operates in communities across the country, ensuring that local news and information is accessible to people everywhere.
Scalable Model
Our proven approach to hyperlocal media can be replicated in any community, providing a consistent experience for readers.
Sharing Best Practices
Patch Media leverages its national network to share learnings and best practices, continuously improving the quality of its local coverage.
Community Partnerships
We collaborate with local businesses, organizations, and leaders to ensure our content and initiatives are truly reflective of the community.
Patch Media's Home in Lafayette, California
Charming Community
Lafayette, CA is a thriving suburb of the San Francisco Bay Area, known for its small-town feel and natural beauty.
Collaborative Workspace
Patch Media's office in Lafayette provides a modern and inspiring environment for our team to work and innovate.
Deep Connections
Our team is deeply embedded in the Lafayette community, fostering strong relationships with local stakeholders.
Room to Grow
As Patch Media continues to expand, our Lafayette office serves as a hub for continued growth and development.
Amazing Things About Patch Media
Award-Winning Journalism
Patch Media has been recognized for its high-quality, impactful journalism, winning numerous awards and accolades over the years.
Commitment to Innovation
Our team is constantly exploring new technologies and strategies to enhance the way we deliver news and information to our communities.
Positive Community Impact
Patch Media plays a vital role in strengthening the communities we serve, fostering connections, and making a tangible difference in people's lives.
Join the Patch Media Community
Explore Opportunities
Check out our open positions and see how you can be a part of the Patch Media journey.
Connect with Us
Reach out to learn more about our mission, values, and the impact we're making in communities nationwide.
Become a Partner
Discover how your business or organization can collaborate with Patch Media to reach local audiences.
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